If you have suggestions/complaints, contact me directly via James.Kelley@DNAGedcom.com. This is a service for all of the adoptees trying to find where they came from! Please only use this for your research, as it may contain errors you would not want to pass on to others.


  • Make sure the tree is showing all levels of the tree, by choosing All in the drop-down.
    Use the drop-down to choose All levels for display.
  • Select your browser "View Source" option (usually accessed via a Right-Click) in your web browser while viewing the tree.
    Right Click on the page to choose the View Source option.
  • Press CTRL-A to select all text.
  • Press CTRL-C to copy the text into your clip-board.
  • Paste the source text into the box below and click Submit.

After submitting, a converted GEDCOM file should start downloading. Please report to James.Kelley@DNAGedcom.com. any problems. Enjoy!

Originally written by James Kelley and hosted at www.kelleyllc.com